Posted in CEP 812

A Survey of Classroom Technology

I completed a survey of high school teachers to discuss their comfort and use of classroom technologies. I sent the survey to 200 high school teachers during the last week of the school year and receive a 1% response rate.

A few of the results include 100% of Ease of Integration as to why teachers are not implementing technology into their classrooms. 50% of the teachers were using some sort of online database and social network to organize and flow their classrooms. 0% of the teachers also reported that they are not using any type of online assessments or digital tools when 100% of the student have been issued handheld devices.

I wrote a white paper data analysis based on my results and thoughts on how these teachers use technology in the classroom. Here is the Google Doc to my white paper–Classroom Technology Data Analysis.

My original survey that was submitted to the teachers can be found here–Classroom Technology Survey

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