Word Recognition/Vocabulary Knowledge

What is Word Recognition and Vocabulary Knowledge?

     Word Recognition is the ability of a reader to recognize written words correctly and virtually effortlessly (LINCS.ed.gov).

     Learning, as a language based activity, is fundamentally and profoundly dependent on vocabulary knowledge. Learners must have access to the meanings of words that teachers, or their surrogates (e.g., other adults, books, films, etc.), use to guide them into contemplating known concepts in novel ways (i.e. to learn something new), (Baker, Simmons, & Kame’enui, 1998).

Challenges based on Word Recognition and Vocabulary Knowledge

            Word recognition and vocabulary knowledge challenges include decoding issues, understanding of the readings, connecting main ideas, content knowledge and various other comprehension problems with text. If a student has a limited vocabulary then that student is limited to certain types and levels of reading that they can read and/or understand. Students need opportunities to continue to increase their vocabulary, so that they can grow their reading levels. If a student does not work to increase vocabulary then they will struggle to read and lose motivation over time with reading.

Solutions for Word Recognition and Building Vocabulary Knowledge

        Solutions include sight words, vocabulary cards, integrating reference tools, using leveled and guide reading supports, scaffolding techniques to build students vocabulary and word recognition within a topic. Technology can assist students with their vocabulary development with websites like vocabulary.com. This website allows students to demonstrate understanding and then also incorporates a game to continue to challenge and develop further vocabulary knowledge. A great tool teachers can implement into the classroom is the use of online reference tools and teaching students to use these tools to find alternative words, define unfamiliar words, create visuals for words, and even translate words into different languages.

Research to support Word Recognition and Vocabulary Knowledge

          Measures of vocabulary knowledge are potent predictors of a variety of indices of linguistic competence (Vocabulary Knowledge and Literacy). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension is complex and dynamic (Shen, 2008). By identifying terms students do not know well the teacher will be better able to prepare students for reading, viewing, listening and discussing the new topic or text (Vocabulary or Knowledge Rating). Great lesson planning and incorporating various technology apps and software can have dramatic affects on student learning and increase their vocabularies.

The research has been able to demonstrate that there are several demographics that can be at a disadvantage when it comes to vocabulary knowledge. These students need to have teacher input and designed instruction to support their efforts to increase content knowledge. Between grades 1 and 3, it is estimated that economically disadvantaged students’ vocabularies increase by about 3,000 words per year and middle-class students’ vocabularies increase by about 5,000 words per year (Vocabulary).

     A limited active vocabulary makes it difficult for students to express higher level complex thoughts, opinions or concepts. Limited passive vocabularies make it difficult for students to comprehend age-appropriate or subject-appropriate readings in the immersion language (Belisle, 1997). More exposure to various types of readings and vocabulary will help to build upon limited vocabularies over time.

Tools to Build Word Recognition and Vocabulary Knowledge

Book Builder–online digital supported texts for leveled and guided reading maker.

Wordle–“word cloud” maker to assist students in visually seeing the use of key words or terms within a text.

Link to Reference Tools–assistive tools that can help students reference information from readings.

More Links to Online Reference Tools–more assistive tools for students to use

Vocabulary.com–combines the world’s smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

Free Must-Have Apps for Grammar and Vocabulary–Link to apps to assist with grammar and vocabulary skills in the classroom.

Nagy Georgia RF–powerpoint resource that demonstrates and discusses teaching vocabulary.

Videos for Word Recognition/Vocab Knowledge Tools

Book Builder Demonstration

Vocabulary.com Demonstration

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