Posted in CEP 811, Maker Movement

New Learning Space

This week in CEP 811, we got to experience Sketchup–a software that allows you to create 3D environments. This software allowed us to think about and create a new type of classroom that could ultimately enhance the learning of students in today’s classroom.

In many of the classrooms that I have worked in, over the last five years, have all been cramped with limited space for students to be able to move around and collaborate. Much of this is do to the fact that schools and districts have been increasing class sizes over the last few decades. Below is a picture of a classroom that I have worked in at the high school level. This is the classroom that I am re-designing for this week’s assignment.


As you can see there is very little room for the students to do anything within the classroom environment, let alone even get in and out of their seats. These types of classrooms were very common in the school district that I used to work for. This classroom was not even able to accommodate students that might have physical impairments or those that might be in a wheelchair. The sole accommodation for this type of floor plan is to get as many desks/students into the classroom as possible. 73% of the variation in pupil performance driven at the class level can be explained by the building environment (Barrett, Zhang, Moffat & Kobacy, 2013).


Student work area

With my re-design I wanted to pursue the idea of a collaborative and free-to-move-about the classroom type of environment for the students. Change up the locations of regular activities so children can explore new surroundings with their bodies and their minds (The Third Teacher, 2010). By having the computer area and the student work areas separate students can cycle from station to station to work on different subjects or topics for a project or to be able to work collaboratively. Since I worked in Special Education, I created this classroom based on it being used as a resource or inclusion type of classroom. Students can even cycle from work station to work station to be able to work with different staff members, students and teachers through out a class session. I also chose to have chairs with wheels to allow students more freedom to move around the classroom and be truly able to implement the feeling of a collaborative environment. This setup also allows for more personalized learning, as students with the same type of skills can be grouped and taught to their strengths at each work station.

Student computer area

I wanted to incorporate as much technology as I could into my classroom, so that students would have as many tools as possible to enhance their learning experiences. I included two laptop centers for students to access computers and use as reference tools for projects, as well as print stations to print documents. Students can also use these laptops for short online quizzes or to conduct research. One of the best tools for the laptops is students can use them to help with impairments. The laptop can act as Assistive Devices for text-to-speech, enhance words or translate for students. Also, students have their own Ipads that are provided by the school district to use at their work stations. All of these tools are great ways for students to enhance their learning power. Students can access hundreds of apps that help with spelling, writing, reading, communicating and learning several topics or subjects throughout a class session. The whole class would also benefit from the Smart-board that is present in the classroom. The Smart-board allows for students to be able to have materials broken down and analyzed further with the teacher. Students would be able to work with the Teacher to go through a reading and see visually how to annotate the reading, find key words, make notes, as well as translate or find definitions of words. If students have numerous tools to assist in their learning than they will be able to effectively demonstrate understanding of a subject. Students will be engaged with the material and might be more willing to work during class sessions.

One of the coolest things that I incorporated was a sensory area that can used for difficult times for students or as well as reinforcement. The bean bag can be a cool and comfortable spot for students to earn some independent time or take a break if a task gets too difficult or if classmates become overwhelming. Smartboards and reinforcement area

Currently, in my former district they have already implemented many of the purchasing aspects of this type of re-design. Students have just gotten their own personal tablets, all of the classrooms have class sets of computers and teachers are also equipped with Smart-boards, laptops and tablets, as well. So the only real task to implement this type of classroom is to move the furniture around and create smaller class sizes.

The classroom environment is an important aspect for student learning and if we as educators can increase the learning through enhancement of the environment than all efforts should be put forth. Many of the items that I have implemented into my classroom cost money and many districts and schools are tight on funds, but by focusing more on the development of the classroom and cutting costs of paper, printing and physical textbooks there is the possibility to afford more technology and more functional furniture in the classroom.

The stakeholders in all of this are parents, teachers and community members–who all need to alert administrators and state leaders to the fact that we need more teachers and smaller class sizes. In reality, this is taking place in some places, however, more of an effort is needed to ensure that more students get the attention that they need to learn effectively. As more and more teachers are trained to do projects like this there will be more information and pressure applied to schools to change the way that classroom are designed and eventually the learning environments will be enhanced and be of more value to the students of tomorrow.


Barrett, P., Zhang, Y., Moffat, J., & Kobbacy, K. (2013). A holistic, multi-level analysis identifying the impact of classroom design on on pupils’ learning. Building and Environment, 59, 678-689. doi:

The Third Teacher. (2010). TTT Ideas Flash Cards. Retrieved from

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